After being beaten down by life,
Tina becomes a Goat.

Director's Statement

Life is hard sometimes. Between mortgage payments, poopie diapers, an ever-flowing stream of depressing news, the constant pressure to be more than mediocre, etc. Life can be overwhelming.
If you can relate to this sentiment, then you can relate to Tina, the protagonist of the film. She is overwhelmed and beaten down by life. She sees the goats in her yoga class, and her yoga instructor tells her to be "relaxed and in the moment like the goats," so she decides to do just that.
Sometimes, when my responsibilities mount and the idea of completing the multitude of tasks before me starts to feel unbearable, I wish that I were a goat, frolicking in the fields and eating grass. This idea - the freedom of being unburdened by the constraints of modern life - is at the very heart of why Tina decides to become a goat. It's somewhat soothing to think that if life is bad you can just run away and escape to the farm, but those who go through with it find, as Tina does, that escape is not always so easy either.
When Brody and I decided to develop a piece to showcase my acting, I assumed it would be dark and dramatic - maybe something like Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black. Instead, he came to me with the idea of a frazzled mom becoming a Goat, and I thought… this just might be the weirdest thing ever. HOW FUN.
I had a blast filming it, and I get a big kick reliving the magic on the big screen. Deeper than the fun of it, it speaks to the issues moms (and all humans really!) suffer in silence: unmet expectations, failing relationships, disappointed dreams, and flailing in a world that’s grown all about consumerism and comparison. Jumping into Tina’s skin and bringing this story to life has meant the world to me as a real-life new mama.
We’re all doing the best we can with what we have in this crazy world… but boy isn’t it nice to sit back, laugh, and share a piece of the journey together?
I hope you have as much fun watching as we did making it. 💖
Lead Actress's Statement